Sunday, December 29, 2019

Which Stocks?

So I am looking for Stock buys on E*trade and I go straight for the obvious: Microsoft and Apple, you can't go wrong.

But I can, these are $158 and $289 resectively. For just 1 share!!!

Hmm, I need to find a Microsoft circa 1980.

E*trade and IPOs

So I am not sure what has happened to but I keep getting an "Internal Error Occurred" message. I am hoping this is not a bad omen!

Looks like I am staying with E*trade, who have been good to me so far. I am looking to start with just $100 so have transferred the rest to my Credit Union account; should be good for a few beers in the Post-Season!

Now I just need a stock-buying strategy with a hundred bucks. Anyone know a good IPO where the value of the stocks is going up by 10,000% the day after release?

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Quick update, so the domain is now setup to redirect to my blog and I have asked Google to reactivate my Adsense account which has long-since been suspended.

Tomorrow i'll check on my E*Trade account, I can only really do this if the transactions are free. A friend recommended Robin Hood, what do you think?

We're getting there.


Financial fun with trading.

Hey there world - I am Eddie and in 2020 it is my New Year's Resolution to see if it is possible to turn $100 into $1,000,000!

Seriously that is my goal.

I thought my life both professional and personal was going great until 2019 when I was hit by an untimely divorce. Bummer you say, well yes. Emotionally knocked on my butt, I began casting around for the positives while gathering everything my ex would use against me in court.

I don't want to depress anyone here so I am not going to labor the divorce bit. One nice little surprise that did turn up was $148 dollars I had totally forgotten about in an old E*Trade account. I had some stock options from a previous employer; long since sold and spent, this tiny windfall sat for years until I had to turn over all my meager financial records to the Law Courts and my ex's all-too-eager attorney.

Once disclosed, I sat wondering what I could do with it and so this idea started to take hold. It might work, it might not but hey like life let's enjoy the ride while it lasts.

The Game Board - I am only going to give myself $100 dollars to get started and will continue using my E*Trade account. I know they have some good competition but they have been good to me so far. Thanks to the lovely people at Google, the blog is free and I am using part of the $48 dollars to fund the $12 domain fee for my very cool url Sweet!

The Rules - so how am I going to do this? First, sorry, but I am going to remain anonymous. Only the IRS will know who I am so that gives you a clue I am somewhere in the US. I don't want my employer to know I have something on the side, especially as it might effect my pay raise. Above all, I don't want my ex getting wind of this and dragging me back through the courts when I do make the big bucks.

The Timeline - I am going to give myself the calendar year of 2020. I plan to make at least one buy and one sell stock trade every week and will look to you, my wonderful audience, to provide guidance on what is hot and what sucks.

Basically that is it.

One last request - please be nice. Like you, I am just a regular Joe trying to make his way in the world and want to make this fun and beneficial for all who visit. There is far too much negativity on the internet, let's all get along and get rich! Cool?

December 18, 2019.